Meet our talented
Marketing team

Our mission is to boost Younited visibility and drive customer acquisition for overall company growth.

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We play a crucial role in enhancing overall brand awareness, attracting and retaining potential customers, thereby contributing to the overall growth of the company.

Some highlights of what we do

  • Acquisition, to increase website visibility and generate qualified traffic. Our Acquisition team allocates a budget to various paid channels (sponsored links, affiliates, display, and re-targeting) as well as managing SEO.
  • PRM/CRM, to handle all interactions with our prospects and clients, ensuring seamless communication and relationship management.
  • Media campaigns, to leverage channels such as TV and social media to promote Younited and our offering.

Meet the “Younies”

temoignage Carole Lepinaux
joined our French marketing team in 2012 and is now Chief Operations Officer France (video in French)