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How Orange Bank brought the simplicity and fluidity of open banking to its customers

Success Stories

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About Orange Bank

Launched by the Orange Group in 2017, Orange Bank inherits the character traits of its parent company: simple, optimistic, bold and transparent. Values that it has, from its inception, intended to carry to the top in a rapidly changing banking market.

Orange Bank continues to evolve to become the trusted player that gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world. This means continuing to reinvent the bank to offer only the best to its customers, but also developing towards new customers, such as professionals, or committing to international markets.

Today, this is Orange Bank’s ambition: to offer a new banking experience that is even simpler and more mobile. This is the meaning of its new signature “so simple, so mobile”.

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« Consumer credit is, along with everyday banking, at the heart of Orange Bank's development model. That's why we wanted to partner with Younited, the leading fintech in this field. After the acquisition of Anytime and the partnership with Younited, we will continue to forge links with fintechs in other businesses. »
Paul de Leusse
Director of Orange Bank

Le Challenge

In 2020, Orange Bank decided to revamp its personal loan offering, with two key objectives :

Acquire the most powerful technology platform on the market to gain agility and innovation capacity

To offer the best experience to its customers but also to open up to prospects while controlling its risks

La Solution Younited Pay

Thanks to Younited technology, Orange Bank customers benefit from the simple and fluid experience offered thanks to the usage of open banking. With just three clicks, they can securely synchronize their banking data from another bank. There are many advantages: faster processing of the request, minimum supporting documents required, a greater chance that the request is approved. 

The benefits for Orange Bank

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Fasted time-to-market (< 6 month of developments)
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Important customer acquisition channel
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A fluid and frictionless credit path